Providing a wide variety of food assistance through our food pantry, homebound delivery service, and community school markets.
Our Cynthia Hull Food Pantry, located at our 7511 Fordson Rd, Alexandria provides a wide variety of food assistance on a regular basis. Families living within our service area can receive canned goods, fresh produce, eggs, meat, and other food assistance weekly.
Pantry Hours:
Not currently accepting new applicants.
Serving up to 65 households daily on a first come, first served basis.
Local residents can pick up a bag of healthy food at Mount Vernon Woods Elementary School in the Sequoyah Neighborhood or Walt Whitman Middle School near the Gum Springs Neighborhood.
Our Sacramento Neighborhood Center serves as the hub for local neighborhoods to meet, learn, and grow as neighbors and as a larger community. Programs are developed by and for local residents serving all ages.
Residents of all ages have the opportunity to connect with their neighbors, learn to lead, and make changes that strengthen the community where their families live.
At Sacramento Neighborhood Center, adults and youth are engaged in community programming, leadership development activities, and social and educational opportunities that further their personal and professional development.
With community partners like the Fairfax Department of Neighborhood & Community Services, we also provide resources for learning, mentorship, and health screenings to community residents.
Success through Purpose, Achievement, Respect, and Knowledge (SPARKS) is a multi-faceted youth development program for students designed to build positive momentum in each participant’s life.
SPARKS provides a safe out-of-school environment during afterschool and summer camp. Historically underserved youth can receive academic support, learn new skills, and engage in activities that promote leadership, and intervention or prevention of negative behaviors.
The program focuses on
A Community School is a public school that partners with organizations like United Community to improve the overall health and wellbeing of students and their families.
In Fall 2018, United Community launched the first Community School programs in Fairfax County at Walt Whitman Middle School and Mount Vernon Woods Elementary School.
We provide students and their families with access to youth & community development programs and community engagement opportunities that promote stronger families and healthier communities.
Local residents can pick up a bag of healthy food at Mount Vernon Woods Elementary School in the Sequoyah Neighborhood or Walt Whitman Middle School near the Gum Springs Neighborhood.
Please contact us so that we can make sure to prepare enough bags for everyone. Thank you.
In addition to the School Markets, the Community School Coordinators maintain a clothing, toiletry, and school supply closet, and an emergency food pantry that families and students can access by appointment with the Community School Coordinator. Spanish language available.
Together with partners like United Way and Fairfax County Neighborhood & Community Services (NCS), we work with school staff to provide students and their families with direct access to the health and social services they need to succeed in and outside of the classroom.
Offering full-day affordable, quality care and education for ages 6 weeks to 5 years old.
Our ELC provides an enriching environment, with special emphasis on social-emotional development along with an evidence-based curriculum to ensure that children are prepared to learn when they enter Kindergarten.
Helping families achieve self-sufficiency and independence through one-on-one coaching for personal finance, educational, and professional goals.
The Family Achievement Program is designed to assist families in reaching their goals of self-sufficiency and independence. Families are provided with a FAP Coach who works one-on-one with families to identify and achieve their personal financial, educational, and professional goals. Together with a network of local community-based organizations and county agencies, FAP connects families with the resources and opportunity they need to accomplish those goals.
Providing home-based parenting education, health information, community support and school readiness for parents from pregnancy until the child reaches age three.
The Healthy Families program is an intensive parenting education and support program that successfully prevents child abuse and neglect in high-risk families.
The Healthy Families Program helps parents:
Partnering with the Fairfax County Department of Health and Human Services, HFF’s Family Resource Specialists conduct an initial Family Assessment to determine the families eligibility and needs.
Family Support Specialists meet with parents one-on-one in person, via phone or virtual home visit to provide home-based parenting education, health information, community support and school readiness training from the mother’s pregnancy until the child reaches age three.
Empowering immigrants through education, citizenship services, and immigration legal assistance services.
At Progreso, we open doors for our fellow community members by helping them acquire the skills and resources they need to succeed. We provide semester-long English as a Second Language (ESL) classes for adult learners of all language levels.
All ESL Classes have a modest registration fee of $60 per semester that covers workbooks and other materials. English Conversation classes are free and open to the public.
Progreso is also dedicated to helping those on the path to U.S. Citizenship. We offer citizenship classes that are designed to prepare students for the US Citizenship Exam and Oral Interview.
We have an immigration attorney on staff to help clients with legal issues including applications for citizenship, permanent residence, work permits and family reunification.
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