MEMORIAL DAY: United Community is closed on May 30th, 2022

Leave Your Legacy

Ensure Generations of Thriving Communities

Become a Member of the Legacy Society

Including United Community in your will or estate plans offers you the opportunity to create a lasting impact on future generations and contribute to the growth of thriving communities. Your legacy gift represents a generous investment that will provide essential assistance to families in crisis and support them in achieving stability.

Joining the Legacy Society is simple.

  • Include United Community in your will or estate plans.
  • Inform United Community of your intent.

You will enjoy these membership benefits:

  • Special recognition (or, choose to remain anonymous).
  • Invitations to member events.
  • Personal satisfaction from creating plans to help ensure generations of thriving communities.

We welcome the opportunity to have a conversation, confidentially and without obligation, about creating your legacy.

Please contact:

Christopher Wojcik
Chief Development Officer and Communications Officer
703-768-7106 x356

If you have already included United Community in your will or estate plans, or are ready to do so now, please let us know. We would like to thank you for your generosity and commitment. Email or complete and submit the non-binding gift intention form below.

Thank You!

We are thankful for the members of the Legacy Society, who have included United Community in their will or estate plans.

Including United Community in your will or estate plans is easy.* 

Two of the most popular methods are:


“I devise and bequeath (percentage of my estate or residue, specific dollar amount , or property) to United Community Ministries dba United Community – Tax ID #54-0850780”


Request a form from your account administrator and designate a percentage or a fixed amount of assets to United Community Ministries dba United Community – Tax ID #54-0850780

*Not intended as tax, legal or financial advice. Please consult with your tax advisor to determine which estate plan is best for you.

Legacy Society Members

Helen Kafka

Helen was an ardent believer in the importance of community, and of each person’s role in looking out for all others, people and animals alike. She was known to many as a quiet but staunch supporter of social justice and most enjoyed working behind-the-scenes to promote a just and loving society.

She was a 25+-year member of the Mount Vernon Unitarian Church and served numerous roles throughout her time there. She loved United Community’s mission and supported it through her church’s offertory program and in-kind donations. She included United Community in her estate plans and made a tremendous impact on the community upon her passing.

Helen was nothing if not humble, with no ego requiring the spotlight or acknowledgement of her tireless contributions. United Community remembers Helen and thanks her for her selfless commitment to community.

Arleen Richman

A very caring person and wonderful humanitarian, Arleen volunteered as a Basic Needs Counselor at United Community for more than 15 years. Her work served to improve the quality of the life of Alexandria’s most vulnerable residents.

She supported families and individuals through crisis, as well as promoted their self-sufficiency, and encouraged their participation in the wider community. Arleen was a counselor who always helped to keep hope alive in the countless number of families she counseled throughout many years. The impact of Arleen’s service will be felt for generations.

The Arleen B. Richman Fund was established as her legacy which provides dental and medical benefits, including but not limited to prescription drugs and substance abuse treatment. Her zeal to combat substance abuse was attributable, at least in part, to her two-decade struggle as an alcoholic. On her third day of her final confinement in the Alcoholic Treatment Unit of Arlington Hospital, Arleen often disclosed during AA meetings, she had experienced a “divine intervention” through a miraculous act of God that removed her compulsion to drink alcohol. Arleen remained clean and sober for the final 34 years of her life, and she assisted and counseled countless women to embrace the AA philosophy and achieve the status of “recovering alcoholic.”

Young student holding a thank you sign

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